When looking to maintain lowered insurance rates on your auto, it’s important to remember that sitting on your laurels is not the most prudent choice. Consumer who shop around get the best prices, and for those with an insurance policy already in their glove compartment, this is even truer. By shopping around, you have the exact information in your hand that competitors to your current policy need in order to offer you a better deal. Take a moment to grab your policy and read on. By following these tips, you are sure to decrease your current rates without losing your benefits- in fact, you might well find yourself with better coverage for less money.
Driving Record
Your driving record is a consistent factor in what you rates for auto insurance will be, and with good reason. An accident free record, or one that shows a long term span of good habits, is one way to prove your reliability and insurability. A clean record makes you a dream policy holder because you won’t be likely to actually cash in on your policy. For this, insurance companies offer reduced rates in order to keep you as a customer. However, if you’ve had your policy for a long time, it’s up to you to bring that information to your insurance company’s attention. These are not charities, but for profit businesses. They aren’t looking out for your welfare, but their own bottom line. Do your research, and let them know you deserve a better rate or you will take your business elsewhere.
Multi Policy Discount
Most often overlooked is the standard 20-35% discount many insurance company’s offer their clients if they have more than one policy with them. It may sound counter intuitive to have all of your coverage in one proverbial basket, but by doing so you reduce your rates considerably, have only one monthly bill to contend with, and will have the satisfaction of having a single destination if you have to make a claim. Multi policies also work for other members in your family, so if your children sign on, your discount will be even deeper.
Communicate with your Agent
Keep in mind that an insurance company is a for-profit business, and they want your money. If you don’t file a claim due to good records, it’s all profit for them. Check in with your agent every 6 months or so and let them know any changes to your record. This will keep them appraised and will let you have the upper hand when you start to shop around for better rates.
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