How to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance
A lot of people are complaining about having to spend too much on their auto insurance. Unfortunately, most of them just stop there, they complain and do nothing about it, or they switch insurance just to find out in the end that they have to spend pretty much the same amount of money.
Saving money on your auto insurance is actually not very hard to do. Just be a smart, well-informed customer, there are actually many things you can do to spend less on your car insurance. If you don’t know where to start, here are some simple tips you can follow:
Shop around
This is a very common tip, but what can I say, it’s a very good advice. By shopping around and get quotes from several different companies you will be able to make a comparison about the insurance rates. But of course, you should also consider the coverage scope they can offer, not just making your decision based on the amount of premium.
Higher deductible
Most people choose lower deductibles, so when they have to make a claim they would spend less money. It might be a good decision if you crash your car every once a week, but if you think you’re a careful driver, get a higher deductible. Why? Because the higher your deductibles the lower your insurance premium.
Drop or reduce your old car coverage
Unless if it’s an antique, you may want to remove the collision and comprehensive coverage on your old car, especially if you have more than 1 car to cover. Consider the value of your old car and your deductible amount, in a lot of cases for a car that’s more than 10 years of age, the amount is almost the same, how’s that going to help?
Ask for discounts
Surprisingly, a lot of people don’t know that many auto insurance companies are offering various discounts. For example, if you have a good driving record (no accident or ticket for a long time) you might get a good driver discount, or if your car is not driven too often you might get a low mileage discount. So pick up the phone and ask your insurance company what kind of discounts they can offer you.
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