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Antique Classic Car Insurance

Antique Classic Car Insurance

taken Antique classic car insurance right for your needs is an important part of protecting your investment. Ensuring collectors or special interest truck & car has special considerations. Here are some things to look for possible help to choose the right insurance.

Antique Classic Car insurance Information

Make sure your Antique classic car insurance policy covers your ancient car or classical truck actually to be used in real life.

If you only carry a show car, or occasional rows, then policy constraints Antique classic car insurance serves their needs very well.

But if you use your car to walk to the market to raise some items or a cafe for a bite to eat, or to the beach for some fun in the sun, make sure your policy includes Antique classic car insurance such use. Ask your Antique classic car insurance car agent to make sure and getting more info.

There may some difference between “started value” and “agreed value” for the purposes Antique classic car insurance. Make sure your agent will ask the company and its policy defines two rules, which are best for your situation.

You do not want to know after an accident that had used the wrong way to install it Antique classic car insurance value.

Some policies require that you have closed the old classic car Antique classic car insurance or stored in a locked garage or enclosed trailer when not in use. Or you could say that the Antique classic car insurance can not be left unattended your vehicle alone in a parking lot.

Make sure your agent questions about your specific policy barriers Antique classic car insurance.

Once your policy is complete Antique classic car insurance, it’s time for review each section of the application. Ensure the full and that they understand all areas of the form. If you have any questions now is the time to contact your insurance company for clarification. Make sure you understand your policy will apply to future problems.

Congratulations, your Antique classic car insurance application completed. Submitted to the insurance company and wait for contact. Reject / approve the application or request clarification of any points are unclear. Answer the questions directly to you to ensure Antique classic car insurance application quickly.

Vehicle’s Value Affect the Car Insurance Group Explained

Car Insurance Group Explained
Joining the car insurance commonly happens when a person has the vehicle or car. It important because the car insurance will give the guarantee for his/her car when something bad happens over the car. There are variations of premium offered by the insurer to the insured. The amount of premium of car insurance the insured pays depends on the risk of the insurer’s prediction about the car. One of points that insurer determines the premium is the value of vehicle and also the power and performance of the vehicle. Therefore, the insurer has made car insurance group explained for ratting the car. Every car is going to group 1-5 based on the car insurance group they belong to. The car insurance group till January 2010 consists of 1-50 car insurance groups. The group 1-50 shows the quality or the value of vehicle itself. The simple explanation reveals that group one means that the car has the lowest value, cheaper, low specification model, and smaller engines and the cars involving the group 50 means they have the highest and most expensive value like Aston Martin.

car insurance group explained

The Factors of Car Insurance Group.

There are some factors that determine the car insurance group explained. The factors are amount of repair cost of vehicle, the period of repairing the vehicle, the vehicles brand new, cost of vehicle’s parts, the performance of vehicle, and the security against the thieves. Talking about the period of repairing the vehicle in car insurance, it will be more expensive if the vehicle needs more time to be repaired, while the cost of repairing will be cheaper if the vehicle only needs the shorter time of repairing. An insurer’s suggestion shows that people must consider what group their new vehicle belongs to before they buy the new one. The reason is that the quality of vehicle such as engine, performance, and model will influence amount of the car insurance premium. Or at least, they will know whether it will be higher or lower of insurance premium than their current vehicle. A thing that the insured needs to know that if the insured’s vehicle belongs to the higher car insurance category, there are still things that the insured can do to lower the price of his/her insurance premium. According to other insurance policies, the insurance premium will be saving if the insured has the agreement with the insurer about the mileage limit. Besides the mileage limitation, driving with carefully and sensible manner also can help the insured to get no-claim discount.

The Basics of Insurance

The Basics of Insurance

The Basics of Insurance


In a simple meaning, insurance is a way to protect yourself or your assets from financial lost. It’s a contract between two parties where one party would pay for the loss of the other party caused by certain events agreed within the contract.

How Insurance Works

The main principal of insurance is sharing losses. So if you want to be covered for your loss, you must agree to make regular payments, which are called premiums to the insurance company. The company will then give you a policy stating that they will cover with conditions as agreed in the policy.

Types of Insurance

There are so many types of insurance, including some insurance bought to cover unusual “assets” like legs, breasts, nose, or lips that usually sold to celebrities. However, in general there are three kinds of insurance; Life insurance, Private health insurance, and Property & Liability insurance.

1. Life Insurance

Life insurance guarantees that the insurance company will pay certain amount of money if the insured person dies. The payment can be done in a lump sum or with installments to the people named by the policyholder as the beneficiary. There are many different types of life insurance, including the one that also works like a savings account, so the policyholder can actually save money. This type of life insurance policy has a cash value and if needed, the policyholder can borrow money or exchange the policy for cash.

2. Private Health Insurance

This is the type of insurance that will cover all or part of the medical care cost. Lately it has become quite popular as the cost of medical care keeps rising. Without health insurance a person can easily suffer a terrible financial hardship, especially when a serious illness that requires a long and expensive medication occurs.

3. Property and Liability Insurance

This type of insurance is purchased by businesses and individuals to protect their assets from financial loss. Property insurance will cover financial loss of policyholders in case their assets are lost or damaged. While liability insurance will cover the financial loss of policyholders against third party liability.

Financial Stability of Insurance Company

People buy insurance to manage risks related to financial losses. Insurance companies as the party who responsible for these losses in the end should have a good financial stability. That’s why it’s important to choose a good insurance company before you decide to buy insurance policy, to make sure all you are secured from any possible financial losses in the future.

Protection During Your Trip With Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Protection During Your Trip With Travel Insurance

Most people still confuse about whether travel insurance is considered a necessity or a luxury. Usually they think that doing a travel is already expensive so they want to save money on unnecessary expenses, including travel insurance. But is it true that travel insurance is unnecessary?

First of all, you don’t what could happen to you during your journey, which knows that you might get seriously ill. Some people think, that they don’t have to worry because they already have health insurance. But did you know that your health insurance may not be able to cover all your medical expenses when you’re travelling abroad? And usually the amount that you have to cover from your own pocket is quite large. There will be lots of limitations on your current medical plan when you’re travelling abroad, so it would be risky if you just rely on it. Therefore, travel insurance is an important thing for you to have before you go on your journey.

Buying a Travel Insurance

You should be patient and consider your options carefully when you shop around to get a a travel insurance, because some of them can be really expensive. If you just do your research and get quotes from several different insurance companies, you will see that you can get a much cheaper rate with pretty much the same coverage as the expensive ones.

Here are some useful tips when you’re buying travel insurance

– Some health insurance plan can actually cover all your medical expenses while you’re abroad, so check with your current insurance provider to make sure before you buy a travel insurance.

– If you think you are financially capable to handle the worst case scenario, then you probably don’t need to buy a comprehensive policy.

– Consider a sufficient dental medical and coverage, as well as emergency medical evacuation coverage, especially if you plan to visit a country that doesn’t likely to have good medical care facilities.

– If you travel often, consider buying annual travel insurance, it will be much cheaper.

– Get enough information and make sure you understand about the insurance coverage before you buy.

– Don’t buy from your travel agent or airline, they probably only have one insurance product available so you won’t have other (better) options.

How to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance

How to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance

How to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance

A lot of people are complaining about having to spend too much on their auto insurance. Unfortunately, most of them just stop there, they complain and do nothing about it, or they switch insurance just to find out in the end that they have to spend pretty much the same amount of money.

Saving money on your auto insurance is actually not very hard to do. Just be a smart, well-informed customer, there are actually many things you can do to spend less on your car insurance. If you don’t know where to start, here are some simple tips you can follow:

Shop around

This is a very common tip, but what can I say, it’s a very good advice. By shopping around and get quotes from several different companies you will be able to make a comparison about the insurance rates. But of course, you should also consider the coverage scope they can offer, not just making your decision based on the amount of premium.

Higher deductible

Most people choose lower deductibles, so when they have to make a claim they would spend less money. It might be a good decision if you crash your car every once a week, but if you think you’re a careful driver, get a higher deductible. Why? Because the higher your deductibles the lower your insurance premium.

Drop or reduce your old car coverage

Unless if it’s an antique, you may want to remove the collision and comprehensive coverage on your old car, especially if you have more than 1 car to cover. Consider the value of your old car and your deductible amount, in a lot of cases for a car that’s more than 10 years of age, the amount is almost the same, how’s that going to help?

Ask for discounts

Surprisingly, a lot of people don’t know that many auto insurance companies are offering various discounts. For example, if you have a good driving record (no accident or ticket for a long time) you might get a good driver discount, or if your car is not driven too often you might get a low mileage discount. So pick up the phone and ask your insurance company what kind of discounts they can offer you.

Money Saving Auto Insurance Tips

Money Saving Auto Insurance Tips
When looking to maintain lowered insurance rates on your auto, it’s important to remember that sitting on your laurels is not the most prudent choice. Consumer who shop around get the best prices, and for those with an insurance policy already in their glove compartment, this is even truer. By shopping around, you have the exact information in your hand that competitors to your current policy need in order to offer you a better deal. Take a moment to grab your policy and read on. By following these tips, you are sure to decrease your current rates without losing your benefits- in fact, you might well find yourself with better coverage for less money.

Driving Record

Your driving record is a consistent factor in what you rates for auto insurance will be, and with good reason. An accident free record, or one that shows a long term span of good habits, is one way to prove your reliability and insurability. A clean record makes you a dream policy holder because you won’t be likely to actually cash in on your policy. For this, insurance companies offer reduced rates in order to keep you as a customer. However, if you’ve had your policy for a long time, it’s up to you to bring that information to your insurance company’s attention. These are not charities, but for profit businesses. They aren’t looking out for your welfare, but their own bottom line. Do your research, and let them know you deserve a better rate or you will take your business elsewhere.

Multi Policy Discount

Most often overlooked is the standard 20-35% discount many insurance company’s offer their clients if they have more than one policy with them. It may sound counter intuitive to have all of your coverage in one proverbial basket, but by doing so you reduce your rates considerably, have only one monthly bill to contend with, and will have the satisfaction of having a single destination if you have to make a claim. Multi policies also work for other members in your family, so if your children sign on, your discount will be even deeper.

Communicate with your Agent

Keep in mind that an insurance company is a for-profit business, and they want your money. If you don’t file a claim due to good records, it’s all profit for them. Check in with your agent every 6 months or so and let them know any changes to your record. This will keep them appraised and will let you have the upper hand when you start to shop around for better rates.

Choosing the Right Vehicle for Lower Rates

Choosing the Right Vehicle for Lower Rates
Being comfortable in your car is a primary concern, but balancing your monthly budget with your ego should not be a major concern when the bills come due. In order to reduce your car insurance rates, a few simple elements should be considered next time you purchase a vehicle. Not only the model of the car, but also things like gas mileage, color, engine size, and where you park it each night versus it’s desirability for being stolen. Take these following tips into account before making a new purchase, and keep your car insurance rates down


Choosing a high performance sports car with a V8 under the hood is one of the surest ways to drive your car insurance premiums through the roof. Instead, looks for a more subtle sporty model, perhaps a four door instead of a two door coup. Check Car and Driver magazine for a list of the best performing, low risk vehicles, and be sure to keep the nitro package off your financing paperwork.

Color Means Money

It’s not that the color red makes a car go faster, but insurance adjusters have learned that drivers who drive a red vehicle have the highest rate of being pulled over for moving violations. It could be that you’re driving an economy Fiat or a station wagon- it simply doesn’t matter. The fact that you’ve chosen a red color means you have a tendency, as far as the adjusters are concerned, for speeds over the posted limit. Stick your color choices to black, white, or blue to keep your insurance rates low.

Additional Factors

Performance indicators aside, in order to keep your car insurance rates low, choose vehicles with good gas mileage. This is an indication to your insurance company that you take consideration in your choices and want to get the best value out of your vehicle. It also demonstrates responsibility and reliability. Drivers who actively seek lower emission and low gas mileage vehicles are less likely to get into accidents or pull a ticker for a speeding violation.
Also, be wary of where you park you vehicle at night. It could be that your insurance adjuster feels you might be parking in a neighborhood with a high risk of theft. If so, look to have your vehicle placed in a garage when idle, or simply move to a different area. The focus is to reduce your rates, and this most surely will help do the trick.

Must Have Car Essentials for Emergencies

Car Essentials for Emergencies
No matter where you live, it is conceivable you will have a breakdown at some time in the middle of nowhere. It is simply a fact of being a motorist- it may be a road trip back to your alma mater up state or a visit to a sick relative half way across the country. It will happen, and when it does, you need to be prepared. In order to not be lost alone in the wilderness with only a dead cell phone and some saltines, it is a good idea to pack an emergency kit to always keep handy in the car.

Basic Tools

The first element of any good automotive emergency kit is a solid spare tire in good condition, and the tools needed (as well as the knowledge) in order to change it. A jack, a spanner, and emergency flares to warn oncoming traffic will get you back on the road in no time without the need to call an expensive tow truck. But, in case you need further assistance, a membership and a handy phone call to AAA is a good decision to make for any budget conscious driver. If the spare somehow isn’t an option, it’s also a good idea to have a quick patch kit handy, and these can be picked at any reliable automotive department in any shop.

Be Able to Communicate

You might well have a great cell phone, but if it doesn’t have any power, it makes a great paperweight. If you car quits on you because of a dead battery, you will not be able to charge it- so having a solar back up or a reserve battery fully charged can set things right. If you expect to be way out of the way of cell towers, having a flare and a signal mirror might not be a bad idea. Think survival, instead of simply flagging someone down.

Keep Warm

If it’s winter, a car can lose its heat nearly instantly as soon as the engine stops running. In the trunk, keep a couple of blankets to wrap yourself up in, as well as warmer coats and a few pairs of dry socks. If you get out checking the car and step in a slush puddle, you will regret not having warm socks to put on when you get back inside.
In all cases, keep calm and rely on your preparation. If you keep a level head, you will be discovered eventually and back on the road before you know it.

Simple Ways to Lower Car Insurance Premiums

 Lower Car Insurance Premiums
In most states, it is a requirement that licensed drivers have some form of coverage for their vehicles, and this means paying premiums each month just in case. But many simply don’t do the investigative work that can decrease their monthly bills, and by doing a few, simple things, they can have lower car insurance premiums. Auto insurance can be expensive, and keeping costs down will make for a healthier bottom line as far as household budgets are concerned, and perhaps even allow for greater coverage in case of accident.

Lower Your Car Insurance Premiums

Start by having a comfortable knowledge of your vehicle. Read the owner’s manual and determine what size engine it has, how old it is, and what safety features are part and parcel to your particular model. If your car is a four cylinder model of a more common six or eight, be sure to let your auto insurance company know when calculating your monthly premiums. Higher powered vehicles carry larger costs due to risk and rate of accident, and you shouldn’t have to pay for this spread if you don’t have to.
If your vehicle is an older model, make sure your insurance agent knows to lower your car insurance rates as older cars definitely garner lower monthly costs for drivers. This is from a variety of factors, but essentially it shows that your vehicle is a solid machine with few issues. It indicates less stress on the mechanics and suspension, making it an all around better bet for insurance companies to provide coverage for

Follow Your Maintenance Plan

When speaking with your insurance agent, have a reliable and complete record of required maintenance records to demonstrate that you have a keen eye for maintaining a vehicle. By performing regularly scheduled maintenance, you will have demonstrated that you are keeping a well run vehicle, and this will lower your car insurance premiums relative to the work you have put into it.

Don’t Forget the Odd Little Extras

When discussing rates with your insurance agent, let them know you have an aftermarket security system installed, if in fact you do, and let them know you keep it in a locked garage at night if that’s the case as well. This simple act lowers the risk of theft considerably, and your premiums should reflect this as well.

There are many ways you can lower your car insurance premiums, and one of the best ways is also the simplest- ask your insurance agent for advice when picking out a policy. They are there to help, and they want a customer for the long haul. Making you happy is how they accomplish that goal.

Truth Behind Insurance Bundling

 Insurance Bundling
It may not be far from the truth that your insurance company has been asking if you would be interested in bundling your separate insurance policies with them. It is likely that you have made wise investment choices by diversifying your insurance policies- whether they be life, home, auto, health, dental… – simply because for you, it is cheaper to do so. However, for your insurance company, they realize they are losing money by not having your business, and to this end, they want to get as much from you as they can. Insurance bundling is a term loosely designed around the majority principle, meaning the more elements of an investment (you) are present, the cheaper it is to maintain. And this is all in your agencies benefit, not in your own best interest.

Why Bundle Your Insurance

The only leverage a customer has with an insurance agency is the fact that they can take their business elsewhere. When only one policy is being effected, this is rather simple. But, there is a presumption that a bundled policy, where prices are based on a complete package rather than a single policy, the prices will skyrocket and prove to be more expensive separately. Your insurance company will tell you that you can save money by doing this, and they are banking on the fact you won’t actually take the time to do the math. The true savings you realize from your insurance is your ability to shop around.

Your insurance company will also tell you that it’s simpler for you if you have all of your policies in one place- and in actuality, this isn’t the case. Having multiple accounts with the same company under the same umbrella policy limits the benefits you can realize, including future discounts on policies. Your bundled package is locked in at current rates until you close the policy, meaning if you are unhappy with your auto insurance and want to cancel, you will also lose the health insurance policy you have with them even if you completely love it.

Stay Independent

Your best choice in this matter is to keep your various auto and home policies separate from your health and life insurance. This lets you shop around should a better rate and deal come across your desk, and simplifies your decision making options when shopping for new policies. With a little attention to detail and working out the math yourself, you will soon realize what seems to be a good deal most likely is not.

Insuring Young Drivers

Insuring Young Drivers

It can be the dread of every parent- that day when their children are on the roads, driving for the first time. Many parents have a tradition of making children pay for their own vehicles, including insurance, but with the economy the way it is, many kids simply can’t pay for it all. In order to alleviate some of the financial stress caused by growing bills to young drivers, it is possible to assist with the overall costs while still teaching them the valuable lessons associated with independence. One such tried and true method is incorporating a system of bundling the young driver’s insurance with that of the adult driver’s in the family.

Bundling to Save on Young Driver’s

The concept isn’t to pay for the insurance outright as a parent, but rather to incorporate the young driver’s insurance with that of the extraneous household insurance policies. In doing so, it is a win win situation for everyone involved. For the insurance company, they are willing to reduce rates on a higher risk driver, namely the young adult, as they are part and parcel in a larger insurance plan. The more policies a household has with an insurance company, the more profit the company sees from the premiums paid. It is therefore in their best interest to cover as much as possible. This balances out the risk factors between high risk policies and lower risk ones, such as household and adult vehicle insurance.

For the children, this means a policy cost is within their reach as a monthly expense, alleviating the higher costs of individual policies they normally would have access to. With an incorporated and bundled vehicle insurance policy, young drivers can begin to set a pattern for responsible driving without having to pay exorbitant prices. With confidence, and a solid working relationship with their parents’ insurance agent, they can begin to see reduced insurance premiums through good behavior much sooner.

For parents, the bundling helps to reduce further their existing insurance policies. This is accomplished through adding another policy into the fold. With an expanded bundle, households can renegotiate other policies and see further discounts, while still attaining the required insurance coverage for their young drivers.

By having oversight on their children’s policies, adults can also monitor their payment schedules and help teach them the strengths of timely policy payments, and how it benefits them in the long run. Should a young driver come across difficulty making a scheduled payment, their parents can step in and keep the payments going smoothly until the rough patch is cleared. Everyone sees benefits in a bundled situation, and young drivers don’t need to work 3 part time jobs just to pay for minimal coverage.

Common Sense Tips to Keeping Your Auto Rates Low

Keeping Your Auto Rates Low
here are some common sense things that we can do to help keep our auto insurance premiums as low as possible. Let’s look at a few important ones.

Think twice before you lend out your car. If you give your friend permission to borrow your car and they have an accident, you are liable. That might mean you have to cover the deductible and your premiums may go up. If you’re looking to avoid unnecessary increases to your policy, don’t lend out your car!

Shop around every three years for a new policy. Things change and if your driving record has improved, you may be eligible for a lower premium. Getting a new quote is easy and can end up saving you quite a bit.

Consider a higher deductible. If you can afford it, push that deductible up. If you are a safe driver, the chances of you needing to make a claim are lower, so it’s a good gamble. Or, look at it this way – the money you save on your premium every month could go into a separate savings account to pay for the higher deductible. Once you’ve covered that amount, the rest is gravy!

Driving an older car? Consider reducing coverage. It might be hard to admit it to yourself, but if your beloved car is almost a jalopy, you could lower the collision coverage and bring down your premiums.

Do you drive locally? If you don’t rack up that many miles every year, make sure you are getting a low mileage discount. It’s common for insurers to offer reduced rates if you are not physically on the road as many miles per year as someone else who spends hours on the road.

And last but not least, simply ask about any other discounts your insurer may offer. You’ll never know if you don’t inquire. You just might find that you saved yourself some substantial money just by speaking up!

How To Save On Teen Auto Insurance Policies

Teens with good grades may qualify for a good student discount. There are a number of insurers that offer premium discounts for any student driver that has an A or B grade point average at school. You might consider shopping around if your current insurer doesn’t offer such a discount. Another discount commonly offered by insurance companies is for students that have taken an accredited driver’s education course. Certain insurance companies offer unique safe driving program discounts. For example, State Farm offers a 15% discount for teen drivers that go without traffic violations or accidents.

Safe driving is actually one of the easiest and most controllable ways to keep teen auto insurance premiums down. Teen drivers should practice safe driving anytime they are behind the wheel, which means driving the speed limit to avoid speeding tickets and driving cautiously to avoid auto accidents. It’s also important to keep in mind that the driving indiscretions of new teen drivers will be a cost that will follow them for years to come, as most auto insurance companies look at the last three to four years of the driver’s driving record when setting premium rates for the driver.

Another discount can be found if the parent of a teen driver has multiple insurance needs that they are willing to meet through one company. A good number of insurance companies offer discounts to customers that exclusively use them to insure all their vehicles and/or for other insurance policies like homeowner’s insurance. Teens that will be paying for their own policy can ask their parents to find out if their existing policy would provide coverage and offer to pay their parents the cost difference. There are also niche insurance companies that specialize in teen auto insurance policies if premiums would raise significantly for the parent.

The make, model, and safety features of the car driven by the teen can impact premium rates. Features like anti-theft devices, antilock brakes, and safety bags can slightly lower the premiums. On the other hand, hot-rod and flashy cars that insurers view as driving hazards can significantly raise premiums.

Choosing liability coverage only or your state’s minimum required amount of insurance can help lower premium costs if a teen will be driving a vehicle of little value or that doesn’t have a lien.

In closing, nobody said being a teen driver is easy or cheap, but there are quite a few easy ways to save on teen auto insurance.



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